Saturday, 31 March 2012

Hot Air balloon Visit

Yesterday morning our school was fortunate enough to have a visit from one of the hot air ballooon competitors. They set up the balloon on the field and inflated it for all to see.
Our local photographer, Page Wilson caught these photos :)

Cricket Competition

A couple of weeks back we had over half our class competing in a country school cricket competition. It was loads of fun, a beauitful day and rather successful too with placing 1st, 2nd and 4th.
The kids were exceptionally well behaved and represented both our class and school well.
Here are a few pics from the day :)

Congratulations to this team for being the overall winners of the competition-Great Effort!

Friday, 30 March 2012

Cool Myspace Generators

Below is a very helpful publication which gives some guidelines and expectation examples for parents. I strongly encourage you to have a look through this to see what types of things your child should be doing as a Year 6 student.
National Standards Support for Year 6 Students

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Car Co-operative Activity

On Friday our class had a discussion on the importance of effectively co-operating. It is very important that kids learn to work well with others as in society they are/will be required to work along with others.

As a result of our class discussion we decided upon the following;

We are learning to be an...Effective Co-operative Group

·             Listen to each other (Relating to others)
·             Combine ideas and compromise (Relating to others)
·             Positive Attitude
·             Don’t be bossy!!!!
·             Fair Play
·             Help each other (Participating & contributing)
·             Don’t be a sore loser
·             Don’t rush into things (Managing Self)
·             Work as a TEAM (Relating to others)
·             Don’t be selfish (share)
·             Self-control (Managing Self)
After setting ourselves up for success I presented the class with the challenge of designing and constructing a ramp for a toy car. The aim was for the group to make the toy car travel the furtherest distance. The reward was a Perky Nana choc bar each :)

It was pleasing to see how well all groups did in achieving the criteria. Check out the photos and videos below.
Group 1

Group 2

Group 3 (Winners!)

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6
Here they all are busy with their final preparations before the competition.

Whoops...that went a bit sideways guys!
That was a good effort. That was the second best distance.
Well done on this one boys. It was your first attempt and was immediately the furtherest distance set. Great team work and a great result :)
Did someone chuck it into reverse gear????

WOW! Crash and roll!!!

That was nice and smooth which helped it go straight. Good one!

Whoops....the brakes came on!

I wonder if it was a bit too steep for the car?

Very good effort
Never mind girls....someone has to come last ;)