Below are the steps which we will be doing on Thursday. We are rehearsing these in class so that we learn them well and display the utmost repect to the Tangatawhenua.
Te Kohinga Mārama Marae follows Tainui kawa (marae procedure) in the following order:
- Karanga (call of welcome) from the tangata whenua (Marae hosts).
- Karanga (call in reply) from the manuwhiri (visitors). Move on the Marae for whakamaumahara (remembrance). Manuwhiri pause and stand in front of the Wharenui, heads bowed in remembrance to the hunga mate (ancestors whom have passed away). Tears are often shed by both manuwhiri and tangata whenua.
- hakatau (sit on seats provided). Manuwhiri seated first. Kaikōrero and other males only to sit on the paepae (front seats).
- Whaikōrero (speech) from the tangata whenua.
- Whaikōrero from the manuwhiri.
- Tauutuutu - speakers alternate between hosts and visitors.
- The last kaikōrero for the manuwhiri will lay the koha (gift) on the Marae. This indicates to the tangata whenua that the manuwhiri speakers have finished.
- Karanga from the tangata whenua for the koha. The koha will be acknowledged and picked up by the tangata whenua.
- Whaikōrero from the tangata whenua – the hosts will provide the concluding speeches.
- Ruru (hongi and shake hands) or the physical greetings where the manuwhiri file past the tangata whenua, hongi and shake hands.
Here we are practising our Kapa Haka waiata. We're sounding pretty good aye!
In TEAM 7 we're trying to learn maori language. We've started off with basic commands which we can use in the classroom.
The videos below are some of us pronouncing these. We've got these videos so that we can practise at home show our parents how clever we are :)
"Aroha mai" - Sorry
"Haere ki waho" - Go outside
"Kia tere" - Hurry up
"Huakina te matapihi" - open the window
"Kaua e korero" - Don't talk
"Haere ki roto" - Go inside
"Tau ke!" - Superb (your action / work etc)
"Kia tau" - settle down
"Tumeke!" - Awesome!