Thursday, 27 September 2012


Well done TEAM 7. I'm sooooooo incredibly proud of you and the effort you put into our class item. I personally think you were the best...but of course I would think that ;)

Here are soem 'BEHIND THE SCENES' photos.

Behind the scenes of production on PhotoPeach

Monday, 10 September 2012


Here is the song that our class will be using in our production item. Our country is obviously Jamaica. We've put together two thirds of our dance item and its's already looking amazing! :)

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Today I wanted to give the class a fun reading activity which emphasised the point of 'Reading to Learn not Learning to Read'. In small groups they had to read a set of instructions on how to make a small popsical stick catapult. They made a good start and will continue with this on Friday.
They also had to focus upon the criteria they set for Effective Group Work.

Effective Group Work Criteria
·                Listen to each other (Relating to others)
·                Combined ideas-compromise (Relating to others)
·                Positive Attitude (Managing Self)
·                Don’t be bossy (Managing Self)
·                Fair Play (Relating to others)
·                Help each other-be involved (Participating & contributing)
·                Don’t be a sore loser (Managing Self)
·                Don’t rush into things (Managing Self)
·                Work as a TEAM (Participating & contributing)
·                Don’t be selfish-share (Relating to others)
·                HAVE FUN!
·                Self-control (Managing Self)

Catapult Reading Task on PhotoPeach