
Here are a few recounts from the kids around the theme of our production

The Dungeon
Creeping up to the haunted dungeon from the black marquee, I enter the dungeon and the darkness hit me like I was asleep. Then as I stumble to the other end of the rustic building, a breeze flew through the little gap barely visible from the cracked and smashed door and exploded onto me. Suddenly I inhale and exhale dirty air and it made me cough. Whispers flutter around the room and Mr Kurth didn’t like it so he let out the classic ‘if you talk you have to pick up 50 pieces of rubbish’ into the dirty fulfilled air
By Page (Skittles)
The Dungeon
As I creep into the quiet, creepy dungeon, I feel nervous. Well nervous-ish. A freezing cold wind hits me when I enter the door. I spot a ton of black mould on the freezing stone walls. Disgusting I think, this place really is a dungeon. I hear Japanese music, “hong wong chong wong japanesa hong chong wong” “wata” “ta” “ta”. There is a loud applause for the army of ninjas. The ninjas, a.k.a room 6 stomp down the creaky stairs. Room 3, Samoa go up and perform there Samoan dance. We are called up. I walk up to the staircase, it’s time to perform.
By Lachlan
My nervous jelly legs are forced to find their way around the maze of wires, microphones and speakers through the smelly and stuffy air. My heart is thumping with anxiety that I’m going to fall over on stage. As I stare into the blinding lights, my mind steps back into reality and I realize that any second our theme music will BOOM out of the large speakers.
By Ruby
The Dungeon!
As I stroll into the dungeon doorway my eyes gaze up to the cracked window its seems like someone  had took a spaz and hit it with baseball bat, then all of a sudden the freezing cold air hits me like tsunami.
While I lean on the concrete covered wall it feels like rough sandpaper and then me and Lachlan started to play Chinese chopsticks while everyone was talk to each other but then….Mr Kurth shouts out with his booming voice “BE QUIET OR 50 PIECES OF RUBBISH TO WHOEVER TALKS”
From then on everybody was dead silent except for room 3 up on stage stumping like a bunch of elephants for their dance ,all of a sudden Mrs Stokes says whispers show time guys and have fun!
By Drew

As I creep into the dark and scary dungeon I search and find a ladder and some ratty old carpet. then I hear LOUD music playing up stairs and thunder like foot steps from japan A.K.A room 6. then a cool breeze sends a shiver down my spine, all of a sudden I start to get butterfly’s in my stomach because it’s time to perform.
     by Nick.
The Dungeon
I lean on my friends shoulder as she pushes me off, the hours of waiting seem to never end, my eyes begin to droop as they are forced open again by the sound of music, “only a few more minutes” I tell myself, “only a few more minutes”
The anxiety on everyone else’s face tells the same story as mine, my legs shake and butterflies win the battle over my stomach, I clutch it as I feel a pool of vomit building up inside me.
The saliva drains from my mouth as I try to taste my tongue without gagging, my dry mouth searches for water just like a camel lost in the desert.
The cobwebs dangling from the stone roof sends a chilled feeling down my spine, a spider starts to climb down the wall behind me, I jump but try not to talk as it comes closer to me…

Some exposition writing samples from week one term two.

Should skateboards be allowed at Te Kowhai School?

I strongly believe that scooters and skateboards  shouldn’t be allowed at school because people can get hurt, there are other choices throughout the school and their skateboards and scooters could get stolen or broken.
As I have recently talked to Dr Menju from Waikato Hospital, he said that skateboards and scooters are one of the big risks for kids who don’t know how to ride them and 5 out of 10 accidents studied in the Hospital are caused by “wheels”. But personally I think the doctors are constantly on their feet dealing with this sort of “entertainment”, “don’t people have enough land around their own house?”
Some kids say that I have talked to say it is entertainment and is a way to practice their skills, well I totally disagree because the only skill they will be practising/learning is how to use crutches.

Author - Brooke laird

My intention to the school and parents is that skateboards and scooters are inappropriate in the school grounds.
Why I think that scooters and skateboards at school is unsafe in school grounds because 1) student and teachers can get hurt in a bad way. 2)  skateboards and scooters can get stolen by people like bullies, students and teachers. 3) Bullies can teas you if you don’t have a skateboard or a scooter.
Dr Liddell-Andersen at starship said over 300 patients are injured by bad choices on skateboard and scooters and he said it is mainly in school time when they have Wednesday wheels day every week and I think the same choice as Dr Liddell – Andersen why would they have scooters and skateboards in school grounds when students and patients get injured.
On the other half parents and teachers don’t really matter if they get injured because teachers and parents says “you only got a little bros or a cut” when they don’t realize that the students arm might be broken.
Should we have skateboards and scooters in school ground?

Author - Amelia Liddell-Andersen

I fiercely believe that skateboard’s and scooters should be at school just for one day even.
It’s great for kid fitness because they push with their feet and balance with their arms. About
75 % out of 100 schools have skateboards and scooters and it gives kids another thing to do.
The kids will love the chance to ride on their scooters and skateboard’s.
Doctor John said that skateboards and scooters DON’T cause the most accidents, actually
bikes cause the most of accidents head Injuries and grazed knees and so more so there for
skateboards and scooters should be allowed at school.
So do you think that skateboards and scooters should be allowed at school?
Author - Jaxyn mihaka

I strongly believe that skateboards and scooters should be allowed at school.
It gives students something else to do at Te kowhai school and even if they do it on a certain day.
Some people think that skateboards and scooters are a death trap waiting to happen Dr jerk said that skateboarding and scootering is healthy and great way to get stronger and more fit by on a skateboard when you turn it strengthens your core and leg from pushing down on a scooter you get strength in the arms and in your leg. Skateboarders are going to fall off it’s a normal thing to do but that is usually on ramps but this is on the court even professional’s fall off.
Why can’t we the school has done it before if someone gets hurt it shouldn’t be the schools responsibility it should be the it should be the person who hit him/her or them if they got hurt by themselves it’s their responsibility. Some people say that it could get stolen then the stealer or stealers aren’t showing respect one of the pride values.
So as I say we should have skate boards and scooters at school      
Author - Callum Adams

I strongly believe that skateboards and scooters should not be allowed at school. Someone could get hurt by falling off and then where would we be.
Another thing, kids can be left out if they don’t bring one. Or bullies could steal them, or laugh when someone falls of their scooter or skateboard.
Also kids could get bullied about not having a skateboard or scooter and their friends would abandon them just about one tiny thing. Then parents would complain that their child or children were being left out of activities.
Some people think it would be fun to bring wheelies and other wheel toys to school, but I went to the doctors the other day and Dr.kent said that 300 out of 1000 kids come to them from falling of skateboards and scooters and wheelie shoes. Some kids try to show of to their friends by bunny hopping and turning around at the same time or some other insane trick.
So please don’t let them ride scooters and skateboards, because next thing you know you’ll be buying a grave for them. 
Author - Charlotte Grey

Skateboards and scooters should be allowed at school
I fiercely suggest that scooters and skateboards should be allowed at school because it’s awesome fun and also friends can show off  their moves.
I think so because kids should be allowed scooters at school to show off their awesome 180 and tail whips. Dr Bob said scooters get less hurt than kids playing on playground because lots of students fall off the monkey bars. If the students aren’t allowed scooters the students won’t have a ball so they make up excuses so they need to come to school.
If you take on my idea could you please limit the days because it might get a bit boring.

Author - Luke Taylor

I have recently been hearing rumors that schools have been letting kids ride around on skateboards and bikes and so on. I personally disagree with this for three main reasons.
1.   Students games will be interrupted and some children will be bowled.
2.   Some things will cause drama such as snapped chains and popped tires
3.    it would be awkward for the team’s training on the courts
Many student play on the courts at lunch time are younger children who are walking to the playground. With this activity people are sure to get bowled over or have their games interrupted by other riding around and there is sure to be a lot of chaos and injuries. Some of the injury will be inflicted on the kids riding their bikes if they fall off their equipment and they are not wearing safety gear. They could get concussion! 
Then there is always the drama of replacing a snapped chain or a popped tire. Say a parent was at work and the child was meant to ride home but there was a problem with their item, what would  happen? Would a teacher have to sort it out while the class had a party?
Lastly every year our school trains for Ngahinapori (a sporting event) and net ball players train on the court. This poses a problem and if the girls cant train then the team won’t do to well in the games.
Male students think they should be allowed to bring these items to school but they never answer why they should be able to. Whose side are YOU on?
Author - Stella Slomp

One of our first class writing tasks was to 'zoom in' on this photo and describe it. Students were required to use their senses as motivation for describing this tragedy. Be warned that they did such a great job that their writing is a bit 'depressing' ;)

The class did brilliantly and below are only three examples of our outstanding authors :)

Poor lady is running away from the fire which has destroyed their village. I also see a hut collapsing in powerful flames. The lovely blue sky has been eaten away by smoke/
Clothes wrapping around them collecting fumes which is peeling off all my skin. I taste smoke and dust rippling into my mouth.
Everyone is screaming like they were on the ‘screamer’ at Waterworld.
If I was them I would feel sad, scared and not knowing what to do. They have tears drifting off their sad faces. All that really is left is all the flames of the huts and tables.
The ppor lady has a skirt and child clinging on to her shoulders like a Koala.
My feet are sinking into the dusty sand. Now I know why we’re so lucky in New Zealand.
Author – Luke Taylor

Broken hearts, ruined houses, scattered flames, screams heard everywhere. Was it just meant to be a harmless prank or was it war?
Depression and sorrow heavily hangs in the dusty smoky air.  The taste in my mouth was unbearable, tasting of burnt plastic and food.
This is not a thing that happens every day to a village like this. But when you are involved in one…you wish you were never there.
I turn around; there a pregnant lady is running towards me dressed in her pregnant clothing. . Her face crumbles with tears as she begs for help to save her little one. On her shoulder was a toddler clinging to her shoulders looking dazed and confused about what just happened. I pull out my cellphone and dial 111. Now help will be on the way.
I say to myself that most probably another of these fires might happen next week or in a few days, so that means more screams, more flames, more ruined houses and more broken hearts.
Author – Sofia Kent

Screams echo in the wind as I run from the building of death. Flames are everywhere, it’s like they’re following me.
Smoke is drifting up my nose, my feet are starting to peel as I run across the hard and rocky ground. I can smell burning scents drift off my clothing that used to be green.
I hear whimpering still drifting out from the building.
I’m confused…where do I go now?
Author – Ruby Lewin

I see a broken down hut burning in blazing fire, the last building standing in the wreaked village now a wasteland.
I can smell smoke wrapping itself around the village. I can hear the screams of the dying people as their screams echo around the scene of death.
A lady is running from the wretched place with a toddler hanging onto her back, staring back at the place he had once called home.
While the lady cries the hut still standing crumbles into nothing. The lady screams with terror as the fire spreads.
The gorillas have attacked…will anyone survive?
Author – Lachlan Spelman

A lime green dress runs towards me as a hut burns down in devastating flames. A woman running to safety with a child on her back, clinging like a monkey to his mother’s back.
My feet burn as I walk over the burning rubbish. The smell of dead bodies circles in the air around me.  All I can see is smoke, mist and rubble.
I can feel a hot burning sensation all around me. There is lots of ash everywhere and flames blazing in my face.
Where’s my family…where do I go from here?
Author – Tayla Farmilo